Sacred Intention
My entire life has become centered around sharing and connecting through Yoga. I treat this practice as my sacred duty and have happily dedicated my life to this craft. I have been a practitioner of yoga since I was 16. Using my athletic background in conjunction with learning from some of the world’s wisest teachers, I have built a repertoire of revolutionary offerings that I am honored to be able to share. I am a 500 E-RYT with thousands of hours of teaching and leading trainings under my belt. Through my light-hearted and optimistic spirit, I encourage students to meet their edge and soften around it to create inspired change and equanimity. I believe that each of us holds the keys to our own liberation, we just have to know where to look.
Thank you for being here.
Be Love,
Kierstie Payge

Life-changing & rejuvenating journeys at stunning destinations around the world.